As they say - it's all in the title: Forgiveness is easier to get than permission! I think I've always seen that as something to get from other people but now I'm beginning to see that it's also about me giving permission to me! I just need to remember that I can just as easily forgive myself for writing something stupid, or not writing for months or indeed ever again!
Anyway, the reason I thought to write today was . . . what? It was something very specific. Obviously I spent so much time rattling on that now I can't remember what the inspiration was . . .
Lack of inspiration is a theme at the moment - I haven't drawn for over a week, definitely getting withdrawal pangs, but I just can't do it. Yesterday was "Drawing Day" - an attempt to get more people drawing on line. I managed to scribble something for RateMYDrawings but when I went in to see it there was a message to say it had been removed! Well that was just the encouragement I needed (not).
I consoled myself by playing on Qbesq and uploading a couple to Ginkgo just to prove that I did something - maybe I should put them on here . . .

and another . . .

I wonder if I delete the original from my computer the image will still post?
Why, yes it does - that's interesting . . . I thought I had to keep the originals either on the drawing site or my computer . . . (mind working, gears grinding - very slowly). Obviously the little I thought I knew about website design isn't even accurate.
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